
Expression tests run pieces of the student and solution code, and then check the resulting value, printed output, or errors they produce.

has_equal Syntax

Once student/submission code has been selected using a check test, we can run it using one of three functions. They all take the same arguments, and run the student and submission code in the same way. However, they differ in how they compare the outcome:

  • has_equal_value - compares the value returned by the code.
  • has_equal_output - compares printed output.
  • has_equal_error - compares any errors raised.
has_expr(incorrect_msg='FMT:Unexpected expression {test}: expected `{sol_eval}`, got `{stu_eval}` with values{extra_env}.', error_msg='Running an expression in the student process caused an issue.', undefined_msg='FMT:Have you defined `{name}` without errors?', extra_env=None, context_vals=None, expr_code=None, pre_code=None, keep_objs_in_env=None, name=None, highlight=None, state=None, test=None)

Run student and solution code, compare returned value, printed output, or errors.

  • incorrect_msg (str) – feedback message if the output of the expression in the solution doesn’t match the one of the student. This feedback message will be expanded if it is used in the context of another test function, like test_if_else.
  • error_msg (str) – feedback message if there was an error when running the student code. Note that when testing for an error, this message is displayed when none is raised.
  • undefined_msg (str) – feedback message if the name argument is defined, but a variable with that name doesn’t exist after running the student code.
  • extra_env (dict) – set variables to the extra environment. They will update the student and solution environment in the active state before the student/solution code in the active state is ran. This argument should contain a dictionary with the keys the names of the variables you want to set, and the values are the values of these variables.
  • context_vals (list) – set variables which are bound in a for loop to certain values. This argument is only useful if you use the function in a test_for_loop. It contains a list with the values of the bound variables.
  • expr_code (str) – if this variable is not None, the expression in the student/solution code will not be ran. Instead, the given piece of code will be ran in the student as well as the solution environment and the result will be compared.
  • pre_code (str) – the code in string form that should be executed before the expression is executed. This is the ideal place to set a random seed, for example.
  • keep_obj_in_env (list()) – a list of variable names that should be hold in the copied environment where the expression is evaluated. All primitive types are copied automatically, other objects have to be passed explicitely.
  • name (str) – the name of a variable, or expression, whose value will be tested after running the student and solution code. This could be thought of as post code.

Basic Usage

Running the whole code submission

In the example below, we re-run the entire student and submission code, and check that they print out the same output.

*** =solution
x = [1,2,3]

*** =sct
# run all code and compare output
# equivalent to
# Ex().test_output_contains('[1,2,3]')

Note that while we could have used test_output_contains to verify that the student printed "[1, 2, 3]", using has_equal_output simply requires that the student output matches the solution output.

Running part of the code

Combining an expression test with part checks will run only a piece of the submitted code. The example below first uses has_equal_value to run an entire if expression, and then to run only its body.

*** =solution
x = [1,2,3]
sum(x) if x else None

*** =sct
# test body of if expression
(Ex().check_if_exp(0)     # focus on if expression
     .has_equal_value()   # run entire if expression, check value
     .check_body()        # focus on body "sum(x)"
     .has_equal_value()   # run body, check value

Note that commands chaining off of has_equal_value behave as they would have if has_equal_value weren’t used. In this sense, the check_body behaves the same in




in that it gets “sum(x)” in the solution code (and its corresponding code in the submission).

Context Values

Suppose we want the student to define a function, that loops over the elements in a dictionary, and prints out each key and value, as follows:

*** =solution
def print_dict(my_dict):
    for key, value in my_dict.items():
        print(key + " - " + str(value))

An appropriate SCT for this exercise could be the following (for clarity, we’re not using any default messages):

*** =sct
# get for loop code, set context for my_dict argument
for_loop = (Ex()
     .check_function_def('print_dict')          # ensure 'print_dict' is defined
     .check_body()                              # get student/solution code in body
     .set_context(my_dict = {'a': 2, 'b': 3})   # set print_dict's my_dict arg
     .check_for_loop(0)                         # ensure for loop is defined

# test for loop iterator
for_loop.check_iter().has_equal_value()         # run iterator (my_dict.items())
# test for loop body
for_loop.check_body().set_context(key = 'c', value = 3).has_equal_value()


Assuming the student coded the function in the exact same way as the solution, the following things happen:

  • checks whether print_dict is defined, then gets the code for the function definition body.
  • because print_dict takes an argument my_dict, which would be undefined if we ran the body code, set_context defines what my_dict should be when running the code. Note that its okay if the submitted code named the argument my_dict something else, since set_context matches submission / solution arguments up by position.

When running the bottom two SCTs for the for_loop

  • for_loop.check_iter().has_equal_value() - runs the code for the iterator, my_dict.items() in the solution and its corresponding code in the submission, and compares the values they return.
  • for_loop.check_body().set_context(key = 'c', value = 3).has_equal_value() - runs the code in the for loop body, print(key + " - " + str(value)) in the solution, and compares outputs. Since this code may use variables the for loop defined, key and value, we need to define them using set_context.

How are Context Values Matched?

Context values are matched by position. For example, the submission and solution codes...

*** =solution

for ii, x in enumerate(range(3)): print(ii)

*** =submission

for jj, y in enumerate(range(3)): print(jj)

Using Ex().check_for_loop(0).check_body().set_context(...) will do the following...

statement solution (ii, x) submission (jj, y)
set_context(ii=1, x=2) ii = 1, x = 2 jj = 1, y = 2
set_context(ii=1) ii = 1, x is undefined jj = 1, y is undefined
set_context(x=2) ii is undefined, x = 2 jj is undefined, y = 2


If ::set_context:: does not define a variable, nothing is done with it. This means that in the code examples above, running the body of the for loop would call print with ::ii:: or ::jj:: left at 2 (the values they have in the solution/submission environments).

pre_code: fixing mutations

Python code commonly mutates, or changes values within an object. For example, the variable x points to an object that is mutated every time a function is called.

x = {'a': 1}

def f(d): d['a'] += 1

f(x)     # x['a'] == 2 now
f(x)     # x['a'] == 3 now

In this case, when f is run, it changes the contents of x as a side-effect and returns None. When using SCTs that run expressions, mutations in either the solution or submission environment can cause very confusing results. For example, calling np.random.random() will advance numpy’s random number generator. In the code below the random seed is set to 42, but the solution code advances the random generator further than the submission code. As a result the SCT will fail.

*** =pre_exercise_code
import numpy as np
np.random.seed(42)               # set random generator seed to 42

*** =solution
if True: np.random.random()      # 1st random call: .37

np.random.random()               # 2nd random call: .95

*** =submission
if True: np.random.random()      # 1st random call: .37
# forgot 2nd call to np.random.random()

*** =sct
# Should pass but fails, because random generator has advanced
# twice in solution, but only once in submission

In order to test random code, the random generator needs to be at the same state between submission and solution environments. Since their generators can be thrown out of sync, the most reliable way to do this is to set the seed using the pre_code argument to has_equal_value. In the case above, the sct may be fixed as follows

*** =sct

Ex().check_if_else(0).check_body().has_equal_value(pre_code = "np.random.seed(42)")

More generally, it can be helpful to define a pre_code variable to use before expression tests...

*** =sct

pre_code = """

Ex().check_if_else(0).check_body().has_equal_value(pre_code = pre_code)

extra_env: fixing slow SCTs

The extra_env argument is similar to pre_code, in that you can (re)define objects in the student and submission environment before running an expression. The difference is that, rather than passing a string that is executed in each environment, extra_env lets you pass objects directly. For example, the two SCTs below are equivalent...

*** =sct

Ex().has_equal_value(pre_code="x = 10")
Ex().has_equal_value(extra_env = {'x': 10})

In practice they can often be used interchangably. However, one area where extra_env may shine is in mocking up data objects before running tests. For example, if the SCT below didn’t use extra_env, then it would take a long time to run.

*** =pre_exercise_code

a_list = list(range(10000000))

*** =solution


*** =sct

extra_env = {'a_list': list(range(10))}
Ex().has_equal_output(extra_env = extra_env)

The reason extra_env is important here, is that pythonwhat tries to make a deepcopy of lists, so that course developers don’t get bit by unexpected mutations. However, the larger the list, the longer it takes to make a deepcopy. If an SCT is running slowly, there’s a good chance it uses a very large object that is being copied for every expression test.

name: run tests after expression

expr_code: change expression

The expr_code argument takes a string, and uses it to replace the code that would be run by an expression test. For example, the following SCT simply runs len(x) in the solution and student environments.

*** =solution
# keep x the same length
x = [1,2,3]

*** =SCT


Using expr_code does not change how expression tests perform highlighting. This means that Ex().for_loop(0).has_equal_value(expr_code=”x[0]”) would highlight the body of the checked for loop.

call Syntax

Testing a function definition or lambda may require calling it with some arguments. In order to do this, use the call() SCT. There are two ways to tell it what arguments to pass to the function/lambda,

  • call("f (1, 2, x = 3)") - as a string, where "f" gets substituted with the function’s name.
  • call([1,2,3]) - as a list of positional arguments.

Below, two alternative ways of specifying the arguments to pass are shown.

*** =solution
def my_fun(x, y = 4, z = ('a', 'b'), *args, **kwargs):
    return [x, y, *z, *args]

*** =sct
Ex().check_function_def('my_fun').call("f(1, 2, (3,4), 5, kw_arg='ok')")  # as string
Ex().check_function_def('my_fun').call([1, 2, (3,4), 5])                  # as list


Technically, you can get crazy and replace the list approach with a dictionary of the form {'args': [POSARG1, POSARG2], 'kwargs': {KWARGS}}.

Additional Parameters

In addition to its first argument, call() accepts all the parameters that the expression tests above can (i.e. has_equal_value, has_equal_error, has_equal_output). The function call is run at the point where these functions would evaluate an expression. Moreover, setting the argument test to either “value”, “output”, or “error” controls which expression test it behaves like.

For example, the SCT below shows how to run some pre_code, and then evaluate the output of a call.

Ex().check_function_def('my_fun').call("f(1, 2)", test="output", pre_code="x = 1")

Managing Processes

As mentioned on the Homepage, DataCamp uses two separate processes. One process to run the solution code, and one process to run the student’s submission. This way, pythonwhat has access to the ‘ideal ending scenario’ of an exercises; this makes it easier to write SCTs. Instead of having to specify which value an object should be, we can have test_object() look into the solution process and compare the object in that process with the object in the student process.


Fetching Python objects or the results of running expressions inside a process is not straightforward. To be able to pull data from a process, Python needs to ‘pickle’ and ‘unpickle’ files: it converts the Python objects to a byte representation (pickling) that can be passed between processes, and then, inside the process that you want to work with the object, builds up the object from the byte representation again (unpickling).

For the majority of Python objects, this conversion to and from a byte representation works fine, but for some objects, it doesn’t. Even dill, and improved implementation of pickle that’s being used in pythonwhat, doesn’t flawlessly convert all Python objects out there.

If you’re writing an SCT with functions that require work in the solution process, such as test_object(), test_function(), and test_function_definition(), and then upload the exercise and test it on DataCamp, that you get backend errors that look like this:

    ... dilling inside process failed - write manual converter
    ... undilling of bytestream failed - write manual converter

The first error tells you that ‘dilling’ - or ‘pickling’, converting the object to a bytestream representation, failed. The second error tells you that ‘undilling’ - or ‘unpickling’, converting the byte representation back to a Python object, failed. These errors will typically occur if you’re dealing with exotic objects, such as objects that interface to files, connections to databases, etc.


To be able to handle these errors, pythonwhat allows you to write your own converters for Python objects. Say, for example, that you’re writing an exercise to import Excel data into Python, and you’re using the pandas package. This is the solution and the corresponding SCT:

    *** =solution
    import pandas as pd
    xl = pd.ExcelFile('battledeath.xlsx')

    *** =sct

Suppose now that objects such as xl, which are of the type, can’t be properly dilled and undilled. (Note: because of hardcoded converters inside pythonwhat, they can, see below). To make sure that you can still use test_object('xl') to test the equality of the xl object between student and solution process, you can manually define a converter with the set_converter() function. You can extend the SCT as follows:

    *** =sct
    def my_converter(x):
    set_converter(key = "", fundef = my_converter)

With a lambda function, it’s even easier:

    *** =sct
    set_converter(key = "", fundef = lambda x: x.sheet_names)

The first arguemnt of set_converter(), the key takes the type of the object you want to add a manual converter for as a string. The second argument, fundef, takes a function definition, taking one argument and returning a single object. This function definition converts the exotic object into something more standard. In this case, the function converts the object of type into a simple list of strings. A list of strings is something that can easily be converted into a bytestream and back into a Python object again, hence solving the problem.

If you want to reuse the same manual converter over different exercises, you’ll have to use set_converter() in every SCT.

Hardcoded converters

Some converters will be required often. For example, the result of calling .keys() and .items() on dictionaries can’t be dilled and undilled without extra work. To handle these common yet problematic situations, pythonwhat features a list of hardcoded converters. This list is available in the source code; feel free to do a pull request if you want to add more converts to this list. This will reduce the amount of code duplication you have to do if you want to reuse the same converter in different exercises.

Custom Equality

The set_converter() function opens up possibilities for objects that can actually be dilled and undilled perfectly fine. Say you want to test a numpy array, but you only want to check only if the dimensions of the array the student codes up match those in the solution process. You can easily write a manual converter that overrides the typical dilling and undilling of Numpy arrays, implementing your custom equality behavior:

    *** =solution
    import numpy as np
    my_array = np.array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]])

    *** =sct
    set_converter(key = "numpy.ndarray", fundef = lambda x: x.shape)

Both of the following submissions will be accepted by this SCT:

  • my_array = np.array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]])
  • my_array = np.array([[0,0], [0,0], [5,6]])