
test_expression_result(extra_env=None, context_vals=None, incorrect_msg=None, eq_condition='equal', expr_code=None, pre_code=None, keep_objs_in_env=None, error_msg=None, state=None)

Test result of expression.

The code of the student is ran in the active state and the result of the evaluation is compared with the result of the solution. This can be used in nested pythonwhat calls like test_if_else. In these kind of calls, the code of the active state is set to the code in a part of the sub statement (e.g. the condition of an if statement). It has various parameters to control the execution of the (sub)expression.

  • extra_env (dict) – set variables to the extra environment. They will update the student and solution environment in the active state before the student/solution code in the active state is ran. This argument should contain a dictionary with the keys the names of the variables you want to set, and the values are the values of these variables.
  • context_vals (list) – set variables which are bound in a for loop to certain values. This argument is only useful if you use the function in a test_for_loop. It contains a list with the values of the bound variables.
  • incorrect_msg (str) – feedback message if the result of the expression in the solution doesn’t match the one of the student. This feedback message will be expanded if it is used in the context of another test function, like test_if_else.
  • eq_condition (str) – how results are compared. Currently, only “equal” is supported, meaning that the result in student and solution process should have exactly the same value.
  • expr_code (str) – if this variable is not None, the expression in the studeont/solution code will not be ran. Instead, the given piece of code will be ran in the student as well as the solution environment and the result will be compared.
  • pre_code (str) – the code in string form that should be executed before the expression is executed. This is the ideal place to set a random seed, for example.
  • keep_obj_in_env (list()) – a list of variable names that should be hold in the copied environment where the expression is evaluated. All primitive types are copied automatically, other objects have to be passed explicitely.
  • error_msg (str) – Message to override the default error message that is thrown if the expression resulted in an error.

Student code:

a = 12
if a > 3:
    print('test %d' % a)

Solution code:

a = 4
b = 5
if (a + 1) > (b - 1):
    print('test %d' % a)


    test = test_expression_result(
            extra_env = { 'a': 3 }
            incorrect_msg = "Test if `a` > 3"))

This SCT will pass as the condition in the student’s code (a > 3) will evaluate to the same value as the code in the solution code ((a + 1) > (b - 1)), with value of a set to 3.

def test_expression_result(extra_env=None,

test_expression_result() works pretty much the same as test_expression_output() and takes the same arguments. However, in this case, the expression should be a single expression and can’t be a ‘tree of expressions’, such as the entire body of a function definition for example. Currently, the only places where test_expression_result() is used, is inside inherently ‘single expression parts’ of your code, such as the sequence specification of a for loop, the expression of a lambda function, etc.

The example in the test_expression_output() article also explains the use of test_expression_result().